Okay. I have a story to tell. My therapist had to move our appointment this week to today, so I had more time than usual afterwards. His office is right next to a movie theatre, so I saw Avengers Endgame, like I mentioned before. Now, I am not an MCU fan, overall. I haven't seen… Continue reading Sturm und Drang
Category: Real Life
I originally wasn't going to write this post. This morning I read a great piece in Offworld by Aevee Bee on video game bodies and physical conflict as metaphor for interpersonal conflict. I really liked the kinaesthetic metaphors and language Aevee used in the piece. They were this great bridge between the conceptual material and… Continue reading Dys-embodied
I’ll Be Watching
So, this is an open missive to the creators of HBO's Looking, about their upcoming second season of the show. Now, I know that on the eve of the premiere tonight is too late to reach them before these episodes were filmed. Consider this gesture symbolic, perhaps. Certainly, I feel like it's a necessary step for my… Continue reading I’ll Be Watching
The Lady Boss Project
Sorry again for a not-about-gaming post. As before, if you're here mostly for games crit, you're free to go. So if you follow me on Twitter, you know a few things about me. One of them is that I live on Twitter, basically, and the other is that I decided for the month of December,… Continue reading The Lady Boss Project
Hey there. So normally I use this blog for like... 80% games criticism, 15% general media criticism, and maybe 5% personal stuff I just need to talk about. This post falls in that last 5%, so if you usually come here for games stuff you're free to go. Also I wanna warn you that it's… Continue reading Taxonomy
Eat This
Okay. It's 2:30am, and this has been stewing all night, and on the heels of my GaymerX talk hitting YouTube and my expanded version of it getting into GDC, this feels like the right thing to do. So I'm gonna make a quick blog post to talk about a thing that bothers me, and perhaps pre-emptively… Continue reading Eat This
Three Short, Fat Films
I've realized I probably do too much Mega Buster charging when it comes to blog posts: I wait until I've got so fucking much to say that it pours out in a sometimes untempered flood of nonsense that people excusably stop reading 10% of the way through. So today I'm trying an experiment in just getting a… Continue reading Three Short, Fat Films
Day in the Sun
So, this semester I'm teaching a course on "Game Design for Expression." It's really more of a class on how students -- especially students with no technology or game background -- can make small, personal games. I've been fortunate to have a lot of guest speakers willing to talk about their work, including Mattie Brice,… Continue reading Day in the Sun
Sin and Punishment
Okay, I try to keep this blog mostly about games and criticism and scholarship and sometimes games criticism scholarship but I don't really have a personal blog anymore with the demise of Livejournal to our capitalist Russian overlords (now there's a sentence you never expected to hear) and I find Tumblr to be... uh, the word… Continue reading Sin and Punishment
Rampant self-promotion
So, a friend asked for me to consolidate, somewhere, links to the various podcasts I have been a guest of this past year. For some reason I cannot fathom the folks at Gaymism -- the Wonder Twins-style merger of Gayme Bar and Silly Frags -- have taken a shine to me and so I have been… Continue reading Rampant self-promotion