Corporate Decision Silliness · Games Criticism · Gendered gaming · Rants · Sexuality in gaming

Say Anything

Remember a while back, a long while back, I wrote about a League of Legends champ named Taric and how I felt Riot should just make him gay already? A long time has passed since then (three years+, in fact). As I've written elsewhere, my feelings on Riot, on the situation itself, and on what I said back in… Continue reading Say Anything

Fan Culture · Games Criticism · Gendered gaming · Sexuality in gaming · Uncategorized


Where to begin. Although the information has been floating around gaming's social media spheres and message boards for a few weeks now, yesterday Polygon ran an op-ed by Laura K. Dale about Oryx, the titular king of Destiny's recent The Taken King expansion, being transgender. As a cis-though-not-as-cis-as-they-thought-they-were-for-30-years person, I struggled a lot with whether it was even… Continue reading Paradoryxical

Games Criticism · Games Journalism · Rants · Sexuality in gaming


Hi, Twitter. So I made this tweet earlier tonight, around dinner time-ish: I've got thoughts about both of these topics, obviously, but I've been skirting writing about them for various reasons. Some of them more professional, some silly (FF14 has eaten up a lot of my life lately), and some personal (I am scared… Continue reading Dismissed

Body Types in Games · Gendered gaming · Rants · Sexuality in gaming

Not Safe For Work (Or Anywhere Else)

So, let's talk about Cobra Club, the dick pic simulator by Robert Yang, for a little bit. Because the content of the game is NSFW -- and because I'm going to spoil some of the game's stuff -- you can find the rest of this post under the fold. I'm always in a weird place… Continue reading Not Safe For Work (Or Anywhere Else)

Corporate Decision Silliness · Rants · Sexuality in gaming

See Something, Say Something

TW for this post: homophobia, transphobia Because of the sensitive content, the remainder of this post comes after the jump: Welcome to a couple of whiplash weeks for queer representation and themes in pop culture, especially games; from Kung Jin and Bobby Drake right around to yesterday morning's fantabulous and short-lived Steam Greenlight game about killing… Continue reading See Something, Say Something

Games Criticism · Gendered gaming · Sexuality in gaming

From Purgatory: Poison, Birdo, and Trans Character Discourse

So I was looking through my blog drafts folder and noticed a few blog posts that I never actually finished, but had started writing at some point. I don't have significant time to finish most of them, but since Twitter expressed some interest in seeing them, I figured I'd do my best to bring them… Continue reading From Purgatory: Poison, Birdo, and Trans Character Discourse